You source for ChemDry and NHance van graphics.

Ready to order?
If you're ready to place an order now, download your order form below.
They're fillable PDF files that you can save and send back to us.

We get all the details about your specific vehicle, your franchise info, and the graphic options you would like.

The artwork for your selected graphics kit is created on a template of your van with your franchise info.

Artwork is then sent to you for approval, and then to HRI for final approval.

Graphics are printed, cut and finished for shipping.

Graphics are installed by an installer of your choice that is near you. We can also assist with selecting an installer from our national network.
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of material is used for my graphics?
For all printed vehicle graphics and wraps, we use Avery's premium wrap film (1105 EZ RS) and laminate (DOL 1360Z)
How long will my wrap last?
In general, a wrap will have a service life of about 5-7 years. This varies based on geographic location, and how it is cared for. The expected service life is not the same as the material warranty.
How long does it take to get my graphics?
Graphics are usually produced, delivered, and in hand in about 2 weeks. This may vary depending on art approval and shipping times.
What if my van has windows in the cargo area or rear doors?
If the graphics go over a window, there are two options. The recommended option is to cover the window with the same solid vinyl that is used for the graphics. This is the most durable and longest lasting option, however, you can not see out of the window. The second option is to use view-thru window film. This option is not as durable or as long lasting, but you can see out the window. This material may need replaced during the life span of your graphics.
Can I wrap my van if it has some rough spots such as dings or rust?
Premium vinyl will lay right into the dents and dings, and will still be just as visible as they are with the painted finish. Vinyl will NOT stick to rust. These areas will need to be repaired before installing graphics. If they are not, the vinyl will need to be cut around these area - which won't look good.
I got in a wreck - can I get replacement graphics?
Yes. We can print replacement pieces or panels for your graphics. However, depending on the age of your graphics, the color of the new pieces may not match and could appear brighter in color.